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New Optolite™ Diffusers

Launching an extended range of light diffusion filters, offering excellent light transmission with a uniform light diffusion...

Instrument Plastics Limited is pleased to announce the launch of an extended range of Optolite™ Light Diffusion Filters, offering excellent light transmission with a uniform light diffusion.

Manufactured in Optolite Acrylic or Optolite HSR, this range of diffusers can promote the same strength, high durability and chemical resistance as our Optolite™ Clear HSR range.

Along with the standard range of Optolite™ Light Diffusion Filters, special blends can be made to suit a customer’s individual requirements. For example unique thickness requirements, surface finishes and tight tolerances.

Typical applications for the Optolite™ Diffusers are Backlights, Medical Analysers, Liquid Analysis Equipment, Optical Analysers, Colour Comparators, Fibre Optics and Photographic Equipment.

Technical data can be found on our products page.

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